Cycle Sense in collaboration with Clean Technology Cork (CTC) is taking on food waste in Skibbereen through a composting project – converting waste to food.

‘Reducing food waste is an easy action you can take to save money, time and lessen your impact on the environment’
It all adds up! Learn more about why it’s important to reduce food waste on the Stop Food Wasted website.
This community project will:
- Convert organic waste into food through composting and the building of a raised bed, made from reuse materials at the Cycle Sense workshop.
- Produce compost for Skibbereen community groups such as Skibbereen Tidy Towns and Skibbereen Community Orchard and Skibbereen Hospital community garden using the hot compost method.
We kicked off this project in Autumn 2022 with a leaf mould collection day using our very own leaf collection pods made from bicycle wheels!
Gathering leaves and making leaf mould

Workshop day

Come and join us for more workshops!
Useful links